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Curricula & Learning

Learning Environment

We provide a rich learning environment with a Christian based curricula (ABeka) that is developmentally appropriate to the specific ages in each classroom. We have a flexible daily routine that allows children to advance at their own pace. We strongly believe that learning happens through play. Learning and exploring are hands-on and are facilitated through interest areas. Our program is designed to enhance children’s development in the following areas: creativity, self-expression, decision-making, problem-solving, responsibility, independence, and reasoning. We encourage openness to that which is different from us, and the ability to work and play with others.

Curricula & Assessment

A Million Dreams Learning Center uses the ABeka curriculum and as part of this curriculum, we gather information about each child’s developmental abilities and evaluate progress so we can modify and adjust what we are doing in our classroom so as to deliver the best-individualized instruction for each child. This evaluation is communicated to families periodically during the school year using various formal and informal tools, forms, and resources. For information about your child’s day, please see copies of daily schedules and lesson plans posted in each classroom. Further, we provide resource information as needed for further screenings, evaluations, and early intervention and treatment.



Weather permitting; we conduct at least 15 minutes of supervised outdoor play 2 times a day for all children. Children are accounted for at all times.

The transition from home to center

Prior to your child’s first day, during the Family Orientation, you will have an opportunity to tour the center, meet with your child’s peers and teachers, and communicate any anticipated concerns. At this time please share the best communication methods that the teacher may use to reach you.





Children are transitioned to the next program based on age, developmental readiness, state licensing requirements, and space availability. During the transition, current and future teachers will meet with you to propose a plan to introduce your child to the new program.

Electronic Media

Our normal daily routine does not include electronic media (television/TV, video, DVD) viewing and computer use but from time-to-time, we may use a television show without advertisements as a teaching aid and discussion stimulator. All Electronic Media will be screened prior to use and will consist of non-violent and high-quality educational material. Our focus is to provide your child with a positive experience with an increased understanding of the world. Rules prohibit any screen time for children under two. This includes TV, videos and computers.


Multiculturalism is vital for all children because it sets social goals and promotes respect for all people and the environment we inhabit. We utilize books, music, games, and a wide range of activities as aids to teach our children respect for our world and the diversity of life upon it.

Rest Time

Infants sleep according to their own schedule and are put to sleep on their backs. Caregivers/teachers directly observe infants by sight and sound at all times. After lunch, all children less than 6 years of age, participate in quiet rest time. Children are not required to sleep and maybe given quiet activities.

Toilet Training

The most important factor in making the toilet learning experience successful and as low-stress as possible is a family/ teacher partnership that supports the child. Research indicates that children cannot successfully learn how to use the toilet until they are physically, psychologically, and emotionally ready. Many pediatricians say that most children under 24 months of age are not physically capable of regulating bladder and bowel muscles. Most positive toilet training occurs only after children show signs of physical control or awareness of their bodily functions and when they demonstrate an interest or curiosity in the process. We are committed to working with you to make sure that toilet learning is carried out in a manner that is consistent with your child’s physical and emotional abilities and your family’s concerns.

Check out other aspects of our program

Contact Us About Enrollment Now

Give us a call at 513-831-5608

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A Million Dreams

Learning Center

541 Main Street

Milford, Ohio 45150

© 2021 A Million Dreams Learning Center

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